Relive BBC Music Day

Hammonds perform at the Kala Sangam Arts Centre
Hammonds perform at the Kala Sangam Arts Centre

Last week the band were fortunate enough to be invited to perform as part of the first BBC Music Day. Members of the band spent the afternoon at various locations in Bradford performing on Radio 3 and the live stage in Centenary Square. Our afternoon began at the Kala Sangam Arts Centre. We were introduced by Suzy Klein as we opened BBC Radio 3's 'In Tune' programme which was being broadcast from Bradford as part of the day by Suzy Klein. Later in the show there was a short recorded interview with Morgan Griffiths, a live interview with his father, Ted Griffiths, and more music from the band. Click on the links below to hear the sections of the programme which feature the band.

Hammonds on stage with Bradford Music Service Youth Band
Hammonds on stage with Bradford Music Service Youth Band

After our appearance on 'In Tune' we had to rush across the centre of Bradford to make our way to Centenary Square. Here we met up with the Bradford Music Service Youth Band to perform three pieces on the main stage in the square. To see the rest of the highlights from the day please visit the dedicated page on the BBC Website.

Darran West